Das Modul A-141-2 ist der Nachfolger des abgek?ndigten VCADSR-Moduls A-141. Gegen?ber dem A-141 sind eine Reihe von Verbesseru...
The Befaco Output Module is designed as a master output for your Eurorack system, giving an extra cue input to monitor a signal.
Our version of the boxy, Blade Runner-sweet and Boomstar-brash dual mode CS80 filter, ini...
At the beginning of the tone parade, we cheer on another cagey Tim Caswell hybrid, which ...
Braids is a voltage-controlled monophonic digital sound source....
Hex Linear VCA and 5:1 VC Mixer Linix is the successor to the now discontinued HexVCA mod...
Der Amplitude and Tone Controller ist ein vollst?ndig diskret aufgebauter VCA der ?ber gl...
Module A-183-1 is a simple passive dual attenuator. Passive means, that each unit is made of two sockets and a 50k linear pote...
Surrender yourselves to the hypnotic, borderline hysterical sway of the CHARCOT CIRCLES (named for Jean-Martin Charcot* "founde...
The Pingable Envelope Generator (PEG) from 4ms is a dual envelope generator whose envelope lengths are set by incoming clocks o...