Tiptop Audio presents the Forbidden Planet, its first multimode filter with the attribute vintage in sound. The Forbidden Pl...
Befaco Muxlicer
Das Modul A-141-2 ist der Nachfolger des abgek?ndigten VCADSR-Moduls A-141. Gegen?ber dem A-141 sind eine Reihe von Verbesseru...
Expert Sleepers Disting Mk4 MIDI Breakout is an expander module for modular synthesizers in Eurorack format. It can be used ...
The Xaoc Devices Praga II is a voltage controlled stereo mixing console compatible with a Eurorack modular synthesizer.
Befaco Hexmix
The Noise Engineering Loquelic Iteritas is a digital VCO for Eurorack modular synthesizers with 3x classic synthesis algorithms.
The Dual Looping Delay (DLD) is an advanced audio processor for creative synthesis. Not a tape or analog emulation but a modern...