The Vowel module of 2HP contains two rare synthesis forms. The two modes are switchable between voice and formant synthesis ...
This module allows you to interface your Eurorack modular system to the pro balanced line...
each function can have a linear or exponential curve. wide time range for attack/decay co...
Dieses Modul ist eine pr?zise Nachbildung des fr?hen Minimoog-Tiefpassfilters, bei dem al...
The 3003 filter is a voltage controlled, discrete analog 18 db/oct ladder low-pass filter...
The SEM is known as a 'Voltage Controlled State Variable Filter' because it provides simu...
Zwei unabh?ngige H?llkurven in einem Eurorack-Modul, die akkurate Klone der H?llkurven au...
Erica Synths Fusion PSU Fusion Series