The Rotating Clock Divider (RCD) produces eight divided clock tempos from a single input clock. The divisions range from /1 to ...
Dual 3:1 / 6:1 unity gain mixer (for cv or audio) in 2HP Unity MixerDual 3:1 / 6:1 unity ...
Module A-138 is a four channel mixer, which can be used with either control voltages or audio signals. Each of the four input...
Cable Puppy Patchkabel 120 cm 5 Stuck, white-gold
Cable Puppy Patchkabel 120 cm 5 Stuck, silver-gold
Cable Puppy Patchkabel 120 cm 5 Stuck, red
Cable Puppy Patchkabel 120 cm 5 Stuck, magenta
Birdkids THE BATELEUR System
Birdkids Multimode Envelope
Bastl Instruments Marton Skiff
Bastl Instruments Marton Case
Bastl Instruments Long Skiff 104TE Modular Skiff Case
Audio Damage ADM23 EOS
Audio Damage ADM17 Proton
Audio Damage ADM14 BoomTschak