D'Addario XL Nickel Wound Electric Bass strings are world-renowned as "The Player's Choice" amongst bass players of all genres...
Rotosound was the first string company to produce this kind of string. Introduced in 1962 it changed the sound of the instrume...
E-Bassgitarren Saite mit geschliffener Saitenwicklung aus Stainless Steel. Hexagonaler Kern. Durch spezielle Kreuzwicklungstec...
Seit 1989 fertigt man bei DR Strings hochwertige und klangstarke Saiten in Handarbeit. DR's Ziel ist es, das Beste aus tradit...
Nickelplated Steel, Short Scale (30"), Gauges: .040, 060, .075, .095 The Musicmaster™, Bronco™, and Mustang® - if you love th...
Flatwound Saiten f?r den viersaitigen Triumph Upright Bass von Warwick....
Features Fender Super 7250 L 40-100: Nickel Plated Steel Roundwound Longscale .040/.060/.080/.100
Features Fender Super 7250 M 45-105: Nickel Plated Steel Roundwound Longscale .045/.065/.085/.105
Features Fender Super 7250 ML 45-100: Nickel Plated Steel Roundwound Longscale .045/.065/.080/.100
Features: for 4-string bass Hyper-Elliptical Winding Nickel plated steel Light 040-060-080-100 Made in USA
Features Fender Super 8250 M 45-110TW: Nickel Plated Steel Taperwound .045/.065/.085/.110TW
ProSteels are D'Addario's brightest and most corrosion resistant strings. A specialized steel alloy delivers harmonically rich...