Features: Multi color coated strings for E-Bass Patented K3 coating Luminescent Round Core Roundwound Made in U.S.A. .045", .0...
4-String Set 043-065-080-110 Features: Billy Sheehan Signature Stainless Steel Roundwound Long Scale Gauges: 043-065-080-110 ...
Cobalt Saiten sind maximiert f?r Klarheit und hohen Output, da die Legierung mit Kobalt eine kr?ftigere, magnetische Wirkung e...
Features Fender Original 7150 M 45-105: Pure Nickel Roundwound Longscale .045/.065/.085/.105
Комплект струн
Stainless Steel, Flatwound, Long Scale (34"), Gauges: .050, .065, .085, .100 The first electric basses were made by Fender®, ...
Nickelplated Steel, Short Scale (30"), Gauges: .040, 060, .075, .095 The Musicmaster™, Bronco™, and Mustang® - if you love th...