TC Electronic Fangs Metal Distortion – обитатель королевства хайгейновых риффов с суперуниверсальным диапазоном настроек, котор...
Blackstar's LT Serie orientiert sich klanglich an den erfolgreichen HT-Valve Pedalen, ist aber preislich attraktiver und kompa...
Features: Analoger Verzerrer Boden-Effektger?t Dunlop MXR M75 Super Badass Distortion mit extremer Bandbreite an verzerrten So...
Mit dem Clarksdale bietet das Team um Brian Wampler eine eigene Interpretation des ber?hmten knallgr?nen Driveklassikers mit d...
The Wampler cataPulp is an effect pedal for electric guitar with an aggressive stack tone in the British style and a 3-band EQ.
Walrus Audio Warhorn Mid-Range Overdrive
The Walrus Audio Voyager is a transparent low- to mid-gain overdrive that convinces with its first-class sound. From subtle ...
Vielseitiger Clean-Boost des amerikanischen Effektherstellers Walrus Audio....
The Walrus Audio Jupiter Multi-Clip Fuzz V2 is a particularly versatile fuzz effect pedal that delivers an enormous range of...
The Janus Fuzz/Tremolo is a fuzz and tremolo pedal with dual joystick control & a circuit that can blend or separate the effect.
The Walrus Audio Iron Horse LM308 Distortion V2 is a powerful distortion effect pedal for electric guitar, whose juicy high ...