The Sela Primera Cajon SE 117 is the perfect Cajon for beginners and advanced users who value high quality at a low price. At a...
Make Your Own Getreu diesem Motto erscheint nun auch von NINO eine Cajon, die komplett von eigener Hand montiert werden kann....
The Cajinto with its compact alder body is now available with a Skinwood playing surface....
Tamborims are played with a plastic stick while the other hand changes the pitch of the drum. It has a bright, loud, and cutti...
Features: Type: Alto Sound bars made of Sucupira, 35 x 18 mm Resonator box made birch plywood C major scale 16 notes: c1, d1, ...
Namensgeber f?r die Sonor Palisono Serie ist das Klangplattenmaterial: Palisono ist ein Verbundmaterial, welches zwar die klan...
The AXP 3.1 is a combination of the AXP 1.1 Xylophone and the chromatic add on 2.1. SONOR Xylophone AXP 3.1 features: Tonal r...
Chromatic extension for AXP 1.1 Features: Tonal range: c-sharp1 to b-flat2 7 bars: c-sharp1, d-sharp1, g-sharp1, c-sharp2, d...
Features: Tonal range: c1 to a2 16 bars: c1, d1, e1, f1, f-sharp1, g1, a1, b-flat1, b1, c2, d2, e2, f2, f-sharp2, g2, a2 C maj...
Wood idiophones are a large group of instruments coming from different cultures. They are used for basic rhythm patterns or fo...
Like the original, the Sonar Models are also made foremost from natural materials with the care of hand craftsmanship. The de...
Sonor WBS Wood Block small, mountable
Sonor WBM Wood Block medium, mountable
The blocks of the TT5 Set can be arranged to satisfy personal preference. Included is a table stand, but the blocks can also ...