Features: red Jenigor plastic bar across the top edge secured with specially designed rivets dampening effect higher in pitch ...
Affectionately referred to as "el negro" in the Flamenco scene, the most successful Schlagwerk Cajon has not lost any of its a...
Features: Extended Comfort Curve II rims 3/8" tension hooks LP Galaxy ProCare shell protectors accessory bag with tuning key a...
The PP006 Glockenspiel is made with high-quality steel and aluminium alloys. It is very light weight and simultaneously robust...
Voggenreiter Glöckchen Band Hand (hell)
Two resonant liquid chambers are connected by a long steel spiral. The Galaxy is held in one hand, while the other hand holds ...
An easy to use small metal afuche or cabasa which is mounted on a brightly coloured solid board with non-slip feet for use in ...
The Kalimba (also known as thumb piano) has 7 tones and iron rings to create a snare effect. The body is made of calabash frui...
Our double wooden agogo with beater is made from quality wood and finished to a high standard. Solid and durable this agogo is...
The MEINL Caxixis are woven by hand with a coconut bottom. Their sound is crystal clear, high pitched with a great projection....
Meinl Percussion - The ultimate selection! Add new unique sounds with easy methods to your cajon play. The Medium Motion Shaker...
Double Shaker Luis Conte's signature Black
Double Shaker Luis Conte's signature Red
Features: clear and cutting sound
The three versions of this shaker where developed by master percussionist Luis Conte. "The sound of my shaker is as soft as s...