The position (angle) and depth to the stand tube of the tilting 300 x 200 mm sheet music holder is adjustable. The music desk ...
The Manhasset Director 49 orchestra music stand has an extra music compartment on the back for storage. The desk has a stabl...
Big and beautiful, three-piece folding music stand with large, deep desk. Features: Height: from 585 to 1,220 mm Leg construc...
Foldable music desk made of plastic- perfect for mobile use. The stand can be adjusted very high by a double extension. A blac...
The Manhasset Symphony 48 orchestral console with its sturdy metal construction is easy to adjust with the patented one-hand...
The Manhasset Symphony 50 orchestral console was specially designed for the orchestra. The double tray offers space for bows...
оркестровый пюпитр с перфорацией, высота 75-129 см.
набор из 24 шт прищепок для крепления нот.
The Manhasset Concertino 48 Orchestral Console is a shorter version of the Symphony 48 Music Stand. The metal construction i...
11930 Orchestra music stand Overture - Stackable orchestra music stand with a contemporary look.