The Steinberg Cubase Pro 10 is the long-standing professional digital audio workstation, now with improved features & workflow.
The Elements version of Cubase 9.5 featuring 24 I/Os with 16 VST instrument slots and a wealth of audio/MIDI/instrument tracks.
The Elements educational version of Cubase 9.5 featuring 24 I/Os with 16 VST instrument slots and a wealth of different tracks.
Basierend auf den aktuellen Technologien der hochgelobten 8. Cubase Generation bietet Cubase Elements 8 viele wichtige Neuerun...
The Cubase Elements 10 (EDU) is the long-standing professional digital audio workstation, now with improved features & workflow.
The Cubase Elements 10 is the long-standing professional digital audio workstation, now with improved features & workflow.
The full Artist version of Cubase 9.5 featuring 32 I/Os with 32 VST instrument slots and many audio/MIDI/instrument tracks.
The full Artist educational version of Cubase 9.5 featuring 32 I/Os with 32 VST instrument slots and a wealth of tracks.
Die neue Cubase Generation steht f?r technische Innovation und musikalische Inspiration in einer unglaublich leistungsstarken ...