Roswell's TEA pickups for T-style guitars offer everything the vintage heart desires: Raw sound with strong twang and smooth...
The SAX provides increased headroom giving the voicing an organic and open tone while still maintaining the clarity and respon...
Set of 3 Pickups Alnico 5 Magnets featuring a reverse wound/reverse polarity middle pickup for hum canceling in positions 2 & ...
The mid-‘60s Jaguar® was an important part of the surf sound for dozens of Southern California bands and was heard on many TV ...
With the Zephyr Silver pickups, Seymour Duncan presents an exceptional collection of pickups which will usher in a new era. ...
Originaler Chrom High Gain Neck Pickup mit einstellbaren Schrauben f?r g?ngige Rickenbacker Modelle. Features: High Gain Nec...
Originaler High Gain Chrom Bridge Pickup f?r g?ngige Rickenbacker Modelle mit einstellbaren Pickupschrauben. Features: High ...
Speziell entwickelt f?r die Steg Position eines Kinman Woodstock Sets Kinman HX 85 Strat Pickup Features: Hei?er Steg Pickup ...
Don't let the name fool you: the ‘60s Surfer pickup would be equally comfortable in the smoky clubs of Chicago's West Side as ...
The Jazzmaster® pickup was one of my favorite sounds during the ‘60s. I wore out many phonograph needles listening to groups ..
The Jazzmaster® pickup was one of my favorite sounds during the ‘60s. I wore out many phonograph needles listening to groups
Bridge, white Kinman Noiseless Pickup aus der Jazzmaster (TM) Serie Die Zero Hum Pickups f?r die Jazzmaster (TM) von CHris Kin...
Dieser Tonabnehmer f?r die Halsposition in Tele-Modellen wurde nach den Spezifikationen von 1952 hergestellt und verf?gt ?ber ...