Hochwertiges LED Polizeilicht mit 108 LEDs in blau aus dem Hause EUROLITE. Die Rotationsgeschwindigkeit betr?gt 40-240 U/Min. ...
The Eurolite LED SLS-98 Strobe SMD is a LED strobe in a slimline package. The LED stroboscope is equipped with a total of 98...
A true meteorite shower of razor sharp LED beams in 5 different colors. The new METEOR LED amazes with enormous brightness and...
RGBAW beam effect with 5 x 3 W LED Features: When using smoke, the brilliant colors are especially fortified DMX-controlled o...
Statt den bew?hrten TRI-Star mit der QUAD Technologie zu best?cken, sind wir gleich einen Schritt weiter gegangen und pr?sentie...
The Showtec Dream Dancer is a gobo flower with a powerful 10Watt Cool white LED light source. It has 15 gobo’s with 6 differe...
The Spider is a new and exciting lighting effect which creates a flowering effect with a wide beamangle. The 5 lenses ensure ...
This is a LED-effect, which will enchant you from the first moment. 6 lenses projects razor-sharp beams into the are. Very fill...
Der Lichteffekt RUSH Wizard by MARTIN ist leicht, klar, kompakt und energiesparend, dank der stromsparenden 130 Watt Gasentlad...
RGBAW Derby with 5 x 3 W LED. Features: 4 lens rows with a total of 24 glass-lenses provide for a room-filling effect DMX-con...
Der EUROLITE LED D-1000 ist ein RGBAWP Derby mit 6 x 3-W-LEDs f?r sch?ne und raumf?llende Effekte. Dem Anwender stehen eine Vi...
The Varytec LED Laser 4 shows off with 256 high-performance 5mm LEDs, distributed on 4 lenses and is perfect for parties, smal...
High energy DMX-512 LED effect that produces RGBW (red, green, blue & white) colored beams from 40 lenses. American DJ Dekker...
Ultra Hex Par3 ist der Name der extrem hellen 3x10W Flat Par von American DJ. Die 64 integrierten Farbmakros, sowie der 40° Ab...