Sultan Series cymbals combine the brilliance of the Traditional Series with the dry and woody sound of the Turk Series. The un...
At the time, the 2002 Series from Paiste was the first series from the traditional Swiss manufacturer with a specially develop...
The Sabian FRX Ride 21" is a frequency optimized ride made of B20 bronze, with dark basic and approx. 25% less volume at full s...
The Sabian FRX Hi-Hat 14" is a frequency optimized hi-hat pair made of B20 bronze, with dark basic and approx. 25% less volume ...
The Paiste Masters Dark Crash Ride 22" provides a dark and cloudy wash, perfect for more subtle acoustic styles & blues or jazz.
Die Artisan Serie von Sabian ist ein Sammelsurium teils v?llig unterschiedlichster Beckenmodelle. Tats?chlich findet man in de...
The cymbals of the K' Constantinople Series have always been the best of their kind. The famous cymbal foundry named Zildjian...
very sensitive responds clean, crisp stick-sound, solid 'chick' with warm sonor colouration
With a diameter of 16“, the Medium Thin hi-hat from the Byzance Extra Dry Series belongs among the exotics of its genre. The l...
The very popular Classics Custom series made from B10 alloy is manufactured in Germany and works great in a wide range of music...
Byzance Dark Der Name ist Programm, denn die Byzance Dark Becken von Meinl sind an Dunkelheit in Sachen Sound und Optik kaum ...
MEINL Byzance Cymbals are completely hand hammered into shape and satisfy the highest demands. Every cymbal is a piece of art ...