Vom Stimmen der Gitarre und der richtigen Haltung bis zu Akkorden, dem Fingerpicking, Tonleitern und den Grundlagen der Harmon...
?ber 100 Lieder und Spielst?cke enth?lt die erfolgreiche Schule f?r junge Gitarristen, di...
Leichter geht es nicht, mit CD und DVD! Wenn der Blues dich erst einmal gepackt hat, l?sst er dich ein Leben lang nicht wiede...
Volume 2 of the guitar school "Gitarre lernen mit Zacky & Bob" by Peter Autschbach for children and young people from th...
Introduction to the blues guitar by Dave Rubin shows the most important chords, licks, techniques & concepts. Topics lik...
As rhythm guitarist for blues legend Muddy Waters, Steady Rollin' Bob Margolin has gained invaluable experience in the art of ...
In the new series Arlen Roth Teaches Slide Guitar Arlen Roth shows authentic slide guitar styles, tips, licks and tunings. T...
This if the last book of this 3-volume series, which aims to be a practical and comprehensive guitar instruction programme. In...
After mastering the basics from volume 1, this intermediate level book continues and builds upon the study of melody, scales, ...
William Leavitt's Modern Method For Guitar is one of the world’s most popular guitar methods. It is the basic text for Berklee...
A Modern Method for Guitar, by William Leavitt, is one of the world's most popular guitar methods and is the basic text for Be...
25 Authentic Blues Guitar Lessons shows the best Blues licks, riffs and techniques to learn Blues guitar. It contains standa...
Diese Gitarrengrifftabelle enth?lt die wichtigsten und gebr?uchlichsten Akkorde, mit denen man fast alle Lieder und Songs begl...