Rhythm Club is a fun, healthy and positive avenue for children to be exposed to world music. The Rhythm Club bongos are so coo...
This frame drum in the shape of a lollipop is perfectly suited for children over the age of 3. REMO Lollipop Drum ET-7106-00 ...
NINO Percussion offers three tonally matched triangles. They have a strong sound with a long sustain. Features: size: 8" mate...
These Tuned Percussion Tubes are brightly coloured plastic tubes that are tuned by length to musical notes. They are affordabl...
бонго-кахон, цвет натуральный/красный
бонго-кахон, цвет натуральный/зеленый
бонго-кахон, цвет натуральный
бонго 6 1/2” & 7 1/2", материал ABS-пластик, цвет- красный, мембраны - синтетика
бонго 6 1/2” & 7 1/2", материал ABS-пластик, цвет- желто-зеленые, мембраны - синтетика
Бар чаймс
ручной барабан 8" с колотушкой желтый, мембрана пластик
гуиро в форме лягушки, большой
The FloorTom PP1062 from Percussion Plus offers a beautiful sound expansion in the mid frequency ranges for drums or in an orc...
Diese bunte Sound Station macht einfach nur Spa?! Geeignet ist das gute St?ck perfekt f?r...
Remo Kid´s GatheringDrum KD-5816-01 16"x8"