Despite its extremely compact dimensions, the Vox MV50 High Gain turns out to be a massive metal wrecking ball. Equipped wit...
Die Basis der Combo ist eine neue innovative Verst?rkertechnologie, die sehr schnellen ATTACK und hohe DYNAMIK verspricht. Tr...
Features ELECTRO HARMONIX 44 Magnum Power Amp: 44 watts of power into 8 or 16 ohms Tone switch toggles between a neutral, flat...
Hardcore 120-Watt 3-Channel tube-Head with Hall und INFINIUM Valve Life Mulitplier! Buger...
To complement the 1959HW's visual and sonic majesty, Marshall offers the 1960AHW (angled)...
Mit dem L5 Studio bietet Laney ein ?u?erst handliches Top f?r Fans des britischen Sounds!...
Orange Rocker 15
With the Orange PPC212V Cabinet, Orange presents the first 2x12 guitar cabinet with vertically arranged loudspeakers in the ...
To complement the 1959HW's visual and sonic majesty, Marshall offers the 1960AHW (straight) 4x12 cabinet. It boasts basket wea...
Marshall is the only choice for serious musicians. Nothing compares to Marshall cabinets in terms of awesome tone and projecti...
Features Orange TH30H Head: All Tube Head 30 Watts 2 Channels Clean - Metal-Distortion Channel A: Volume / Shape / Gain Channe...