The X2N is a take no-prisoners, in your face humbucker. Twin, wide-bar pole pieces give the X2N a nasty, dangerous look- and r...
Like a 35 years old and well played pickup set, more pickup windings provide a little more fatter, rounder sound. Interpositio...
Kirk Hammett first visited EMG back in the early 80's when Metallica was a local group on the rise. The KH20 system joins the ...
Created for total sonic obliteration on 7 & 8 string guitars, the Nazg?l starts where mos...
Created for total sonic obliteration on 7 & 8 string guitars, the Nazg?l starts where most passive high output pickups stop. T...
Звукосниматель для семиструнной электрогитары, чёрный.
Trembucker-Version f?r Tremolo-Spacings (Gr??er als 50mm)Spez...
Speziell abgestimmt f?r akustische Vernichtung mit tiefen Tunings, 7- und 8-Saitern, setz...
именная модель Mick Thomson (Slipknot), набор активных звукоснимателей хамбакер для 6-струнной электрогитары, цвет - черный
Seymour Duncan Mark Holcomb Omega Bridge Trembucker Black
Seymour Duncan Mark Holcomb Omega Bridge Humbucker Black
Seymour Duncan Mark Holcomb Omega Bridge Humbucker 8-String Black