Корзина пуста
NOW WITH ALUMINIUM LEVER!!!Module A-174 modules outputs 2 control voltages generated by a spring-loaded X/Y cross potentiometer (so-called joy stick). For each output the voltage offset (zero setting) can be adjusted.
Each output is equipped with 2 LEDs for positive/negative display of the output voltages. If the spring is removed for one direction the joy stick is no longer spring-loaded for this direction (as the spring is destroyed when removed this cannot be re-established !).
We use a high quality joy stick made by ALPS in the A-174.
manual X/Y CV control of other A-100 modules, e.g. VCF, VCA, VCO, Phaser, BBD modules, wave shaper/multiplier, frequency shifter, VCLFO, VCADSR, panning, etc.!!!