Like its bigger siblings of the MPK series, the MPK Mini has been revamped and expanded with extra features. Often requested, a...
The APC Key 25 may just set new benchmarks when for ultra-compact controllers tailored to Ableton Live. Similar to the MPK Mini...
Der Ma?stab intuitiver Bedienung wird durch AKAI?s Advance Keyboards neu definiert! Das Zusammenspiel des riesigen Arsenals vo...
The MPK success story is continued by AKAI. The second generation of the popular keyboard controller series is now available. ...
миди клавиатура 61 клавиша, 16 пэдов, 8 фейдеров, 8 ручек
MIDI-клавиатура, 61 клавиша с послекасанием, встроенный 4,3-дюймовый цветной экран высокого разрешения для отображения параметров плагина.
Akai MPK Mini Mk2 is a flexible USB/MIDI controller keyboard with synth-action mini keys and joystick for pitch bend and modula...